The Management module aims to:
- develop students competencies in strategic and operational management, organisation, leadership and control of processes and performances
- rapidly involve graduates in the managerial profession
- enable students to intellectually contribute to the development of the managerial profession
- educate academics who are committed to public interest and respect of the managerial professional ethics.
After completing this module, the students will be able to:
- participate in defining and realizing the strategic objectives of enterprises and other organisations
- participate in determining and realizing the operational objectives of enterprises and other organisations
- participate in designing and developing different types of organisations in order to achieve their objectives
- think strategically, assess potential risks, create solutions based on the use of analysis, experiences and judgements, make decisions in a timely manner, under pressure and within short deadlines, formulate and implement business strategies, successfully communicate in interactions with other stakeholders
- plan, organise, coordinate and control the operational business operations of various types of enterprises, efficiently allocate organisational resources, motivate and direct the activities of employees in order to achieve the objectives of an enterprise, apply business IT tools, conduct business communication (written, verbal, electronic), manage time efficiently
- analyse an organisation and its surroundings, design macro and micro organisational structures, an organisation system and business processes, initiate and lead organisational development and changes, analyse and develop inter- and intra-organisation networks, shape interpersonal relationships and the organisation culture
- manage complex projects independently and with full responsibility, solve problems in an entrepreneurial manner under non-standard conditions, demonstrate willingness to train others for work.
Within this module, students are trained to perform a large number of jobs, including the following:
- senior government officials
- local self-government managers
- managing and executive directors
- strategic planning and policy managers
- legal affairs managers, legal secretaries and other managers in business services, administration and general affairs
- production and specialized services managers
- organisation and management analysts
- personnel and career development professionals
- training and professional development professionals
The call for applications is announced by the University of Belgrade. Information is published on the website of the Faculty. Information about the Call is available at
Information about the entrance exam is available at
All accepted students are enrolled in the first year, which is common, and in the second year of study the students select modules.
The University of Belgrade Faculty of Economics enrols 900 students in the Economics, Business Management and Statistics programme, of which 610 are state-financed students. Ranking for enrolment in the first year of study is done based on the achieved success from high school and the result at the entrance exam (ratio 40:60).
The tuition fees for citizens of the Republic of Serbia range from 92,022 RSD to 121,082 RSD, depending on the success of the study, i.e. the number of points earned in the entrance exam. Tuition fee for foreign citizens: 1,500 Euros in Serbian dinars equivalent to the middle exchange rate of the NBS on the day of payment.
University of Belgrade – Faculty of Economics
Kamenička 6, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Tel: +381 11 2633 146