Economics, Business Management and Statistics


PhD studies at the Faculty of Economics are designed based on the relevant doctoral study programmes at prestigious world universities. As such, our PhD studies offer fundamental theoretical knowledge and skills in empirical analysis, through a portfolio of mandatory and elective courses in the first and second semesters, as well as through scientific research work of candidates, independently and in cooperation with the thesis committee.

Thus conceived, PhD studies at our Faculty aim to develop a critical way of thinking and analysis, with the application of rigorous methods of theoretical and empirical analysis and respecting the high standards of academic integrity, which our Faculty has been nurturing for decades.

During the first semester of the first year, students attend mandatory courses related to research methodology, as well as elective courses, which will enable candidates to acquire theoretical basis for further studies. In the second semester of the first year, students go through research training in selected disciplines that should cover the main areas / modules of study (economics, business management and statistics). In the second year, students get focused on articulating research plans, creating thematic bibliographies for selected research areas and defining major research issues through a supervisor (mentor) – candidate relationship. Students are required to present segments of the analysis, within scientific events (scientific conferences, seminars, etc.). The third year is marked by scientific research work, dissertation writing and public presentations. Candidates have two oral colloquia: one presentation of a text written for publication in prominent scientific journals and another presentation of a working version of their PhD thesis proposal. In addition to the supervisors (selected from the academic community immediately after the approval of the topic of the PhD thesis), other students, teachers and associates are invited to attend these presentations.

It is important to point out that students will be assigned two supervisors immediately upon entering the PhD programme, who advise candidates on the choice of subjects and provide support in methodological sense. Students have the opportunity for international mobility through the ERASMUS + exchange programme, as well as within the academic networks of which our Faculty is a member (CEEPUS, CESEENet, Magellan Exchange, etc.). The CESEENet network is especially intended for PhD students, which enables academic mobility between members, more information can be found at


Duration: 6 semesters
(180 ECTS)
Start: Application and entrance exam: September/October
Start semester: October
Language: Serbian
Degree: PhD in Economics
Contact: E-mail:




All study programmes have 4 mandatory subjects. Subjects carry 7.5 ECTS. These subjects aim to enable students to master the appropriate methodological knowledge, necessary for independent scientific research. In each subject, and based on consultations with the student’s thesis committee , the subject teachers determine the topics that the student should study in more detail during the course.


The candidate chooses, with the consent of the thesis committee , three subjects. Two subjects must be from the chosen study programme, and the third can be from another study programme (according to the decision of the thesis committee – in case it is an interdisciplinary topic). The subjects should be closely related to the area within which the student intends to conduct his / her research for the PhD dissertation. At the end of the semester, the student submits to the Commission for PhD studies an elaborated proposal of the topic and content of the PhD thesis in written form – 3 ECTS (in a predefined form, according to the Rulebook for Evaluation and Defence of the PhD Dissertation).

* This study programme has been adopted by the bodies of the Faculty and the University, as relevant for the next accreditation cycle. The request for accreditation was submitted to the National Accreditation Body. Until the accreditation of the new study programme is completed, the existing programme is relevant, which you can view HERE.


1. Participation in the seminar of the appropriate department (10 ECTS)
The student prepares the work for a seminar organized by the department, which covers the scientific field of the topic of the PhD dissertation which the candidate has chosen.
2. Presentation of the paper at the scientific conference (7 ECTS)
The student presents his/her work at a scientific conference, after which he/she prepares and publishes it in its entirety.
3. Preparation of thematic bibliography (5 ECTS)
The student prepares a systematic review of the literature in which he / she presents the topics and the most important papers related to the field of his / her PhD research.
4. Reporting to the Thesis committee on academic progress (5 ECTS)
The student reports to the thesis committee on the achieved results.


1. Defence of the thesis project proposal (10 ECTS)
At the beginning of the semester, the student defends the PhD thesis project proposal before the committee.
2. Report and presentation of work results before the committee (10 ECTS)
Once a month, the student reports to the thesis committee on the progress on the thesis project and achieved results.
3. Article prepared for publication (10 ECTS)
During the semester, the student is obliged to prepare an article for publication in a journal in which he/she will present the first results of his/her research. The student sends the working version of the article to all candidates from the generation and to all members of the thesis committees and announces the basic findings at the joint meeting (first PhD colloquium) of all candidates and all committees. Each presentation is followed by a discussion.


Paper, reports on thesis progress and communication of results:

  • The student is working on his / her thesis, about which he / she submits a report to the thesis committee once a month (20 ECTS credits).
  • At the end of the semester, a joint meeting of all candidates and all members of the thesis committees is organised (second PhD colloquium) at which the candidate submits a report and presents the results of his/her work on the thesis (10 ECTS)


PhD thesis defence
The candidate can submit the completed PhD thesis for evaluation after fulfilling the obligations set out in the study program (achieving 150 ECTS) and meeting the condition to have at least one paper published or accepted for publication in an international or domestic journal from the list of the ministry in charge of science.
The student completes, submits and publicly defends his / her PhD thesis (30 ECTS).



This programme aims to:

  • provide students with knowledge of modern economic methodology and theoretical skills;
  • enable students to acquire the skills necessary for the implementation of individual projects in the field of economics;
  • enrich and develop students’ knowledge related to modern achievements in the field of economics;
  • ensure the acquisition of students’ ability to contribute to the development of economic theory and its application, thus creating new knowledge in economics.

After completing the programme, the student will be able to:

  • acquire and apply a wide range of methodologies applicable to various economic phenomena;
  • analyse and evaluate various micro and macro problems, as well as global aspects of the modern economy;
  • develop the ability to critically evaluate scientific contributions in the field of economics;
  • create theoretical frameworks through the collection and analysis of empirical data in economics.

The programme prepares students for academic careers, various positions in government institutions, research centres, as well as for positions in companies where it is necessary to understand the market and other environment.


This programme aims to:

  • provide students with highly sophisticated research and analytical skills in management;
  • enable students to acquire skills necessary for the implementation of individual projects in the field of business management;
  • enrich and develop students’ knowledge related to modern achievements in the field of business management;
  • ensure the acquisition of students’ ability to contribute to the development of management and marketing theory and its application, thus creating new knowledge in business economics.

After completing the programme, the student will be able to:

  • Respond with knowledge and skills to the needs of modern companies and financial institutions, and also to the requirements of government institutions and various international institutions;
  • develop the ability to critically evaluate scientific contributions in the field of business economics;
  • create theoretical frameworks through the collection and analysis of empirical data in business economics.

The programme has been carefully designed for students seeking positions in the business sector, both in the domestic and international markets, within institutions with business environment as well as academic institutions.


This programme aims to:

  • provide students with methodological knowledge in statistics and applied mathematics in economics;
  • enable students to acquire the skills necessary for the implementation of individual projects in the field of statistics;
  • enrich and develop students’ knowledge related to modern achievements in the field of statistics;
  • ensure the acquisition of students’ ability to contribute to the development of statistical theory and its application, thus creating new knowledge in statistics.

After completing the programme, the student will be able to:

  • understand and apply mathematical and methodological knowledge of statistics that can be used in many areas of economics and business management;
  • acquire specialized skills on applied quantitative methods in economics;
  • develop the ability to critically evaluate scientific contributions in the field of statistics;
  • create theoretical frameworks through the collection and analysis of empirical data in statistics.

This programme is intended for students engaged in research in statistics and applied mathematics within an academic career. Jobs intended for students relate primarily to positions that characterise the decision-making process in conditions of uncertainty (in government and financial institutions, investment institutions and large companies) as well as positions within various research centres.


The entrance exam for PhD studies is held in September. The candidate is obliged to submit documents that proves that he / she achieved an average grade above 8.00 at the undergraduate and master studies;

(a) exceptionally, a candidate who has an overall average grade of less than 8.00, and submits evidence of published paper (or papers) in scientific journals categorized on the list of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia may also apply;
(b) foreign students (as well as Serbian students who have graduated from foreign higher education institutions) have to go through the procedure of recognition of previously acquired degrees by the professional services of the University of Belgrade (submit a request to the University for evaluation of both levels of study – undergraduate and master). For more information on the recognition of foreign higher education degrees, please visit the following sites:
The formula for calculating the overall average grade is defined by the Rulebook on Doctoral Studies at the University of Belgrade:

In addition to the proof of average grade, candidates should:
(1) submit a proposal for the intended research (area), as well as a motivation letter;
(2) be interviewed by the members of the PhD Admissions Committee on the proposed area of research;
The Admissions Committee ranks the candidates according to the modules for which they have applied, evaluating all elements; average grade, proposed research programme, published scientific paper (if applicable), and overall impression based on the interviews.


Tuition fees for PhD students for the academic year 2020/21 is:
(1) for the first year of study 217,947.00 RSD
(2) for the second year of study 169,514.00 RSD
(3) for the third year of study 212,680.00 RSD (which includes the evaluation and defence of the PhD thesis).

For foreign students, the tuition fee is 2,500 EUR per year of study.


University of Belgrade – Faculty of Economics
6 Kamenicka Street, 11 000 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
Office 127, 1st floor