PhD Studies

The total number of Doctors of Science, who earned this degree at the Faculty of Economics from 1952 to 2015 increased to over 760.

Since the year 2008 the Faculty organizes the new Doctoral Studies. The new system requests the enrolment of PhD candidates, taught subjects and constant work with teachers during the elaboration of their dissertations. All students who enrol in the PhD Programme have to attend a specified number of lectures in the relevant research methodology and work on the specified programmes, which are adjusted to the candidates’ scientific interests.

PhD candidates work with at least two or more professors (mentors’ committee) with whom they master the specified aspects of their research. During their three-year studies, they publicly present the results of their work and are obliged to publicize some results of their research projects. The defence of the PhD thesis is the ultimate step.

Faculty of Economics of University of Belgrade in school year 2008/2009 enrolled the first generation of students of doctoral studies. Doctoral studies are fully compliant to European System of points’ transfer and accumulation and are realized within three scientific fields:

1. Economics

2. Business Management

3. Statistics

Doctoral studies include 180 ESPB, accompanying previously achieved scope of studies of at least 300 ESPB points.

Curriculum (PhD Courses Curriculum)

Purpose and Objectives of PhD Studies

The purpose of doctoral studies is to contribute to further development in the fields of Economics, Business Administration and Statistics. Structure and contents of PhD courses contribute to students’ education in order to perform independent scientific-research work, to develop their scientific criticism, as well as to participate in international scientific projects.

Further development of science and knowledge of young generation in the field of science and research contributes to economic and social progress of the country.

Objectives of doctoral studies are the following:

  1. Providing relevant knowledge and academic skills to students;
  2. Training students to perform scientific-research work;
  3. Training students for independent research, public announcement of scientific results, preparation of studies, articles and other annexes and public defense of their research;
  4. Preparing and defending doctoral thesis in the relevant field of Economics, Business Administration and Statistics;
  5. Improving scientific-research activities in respective scientific fields within the doctoral studies, through scientific-research work of students during doctoral studies as well as teachers involved in the realization of doctoral studies.

Entry Requirements for PhD Studies

In order to enroll into a PhD programme, a candidate needs to:

1. Have completed academic master studies  – with the total of gained 300 ESPB and achieved master’s degree,


2. Hold an academic title of “Magistratura”.

For the enrollment candidates submit their proposed doctoral research, accompanying proof of education degree they hold. The process of admission and enrollment of candidates in doctoral studies is conducted by Doctoral Studies Enrollment Committee. All candidates pass the interview in front of the Committee, explaining their intended doctoral research, as well as their motives to enroll at the doctoral studies.

Candidates holding foreign degrees need to have their degrees recognized by the University of Belgrade in order to apply and be admitted.

Recognition of Higher Education Documents


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