FP7 FOCUS-BALKANS – Food consumer science in the Balkans: frameworks, protocols and networks for a better knowledge of food behaviours
The general objective of the FOCUS-BALKANS project was to improve competencies and understanding in the field of consumer food science in the Western Balkan countries (WBC). The scientific results of the research made important contribution to the public health and consumer protection and to the achievement of the objectives within the FP7. The specific objectives were to: (1) develop the competences and understanding of public organisations, private enterprises and NGOs in the WBCcountries regarding food consumer science (training); (2) develop a network of universities, institutes, high schools, consumer organisations, NGOs and private enterprises active in the field of food consumer science that are able to develop joint-research activities (networking); (3) have a better understanding of food consumers in the WBCs, with a focus on products with positive nutritional properties (fruits and health/Diet foods) and/or sustainability (organic and traditional food products). Four studies on niche markets plus one quantitative survey were systematically conducted by WBC organisations as a mechanism for learning-by-doing. The project was coordinated by ETHZ – Swiss federal institue of technologiy Zurich, Switzerland.
Scientific coordinator: Prof. dr Žaklina Stojanović
Official Focus-Balkans website
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 212579.