Building on the tradition of the research seminars successfully organized by the National Bank of Serbia since 2010, the National Bank of Serbia and the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Economics jointly organize Belgrade Research Seminar in Economics and Finance, starting from May 2018. Mission of this seminar is to contribute to improvement of the scientific activities and research, as well to develop high quality and creative academic discussion in Serbia and to promote academic excellence, by means of organization of lectures and presentations of papers authored by the internationally reputable academics. Seminar is normally organized in English. Seminar is open for the staff of the National Bank of Serbia, faculties and students of the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Economics and other participants, who register for participation, by sending an email to the address |
13DEC | Francesco Nava – London School of Economics “Differentiated durable goods: monopoly & competition” |
21JUNE | Dalibor Stevanović – University of Montreal “How is machine learning useful for macroeconomic forecasting?” |
28MAY | Hans Jarle Kind – Norwegian School of Economics “Personalized pricing disables rivals to soften competition” |
24APR | Maruška Vizek – The institute of Economics, Zagreb “Fiscal devaluations: evidence using bilateral trade balance data” |
22MAR | Georgios Georgiadis – European Central Bank “Monetary policy spillovers, capital controls and exchange rate flexibility and the financial channel of exchange rates” |
01MAR | Anna Obizhaeva – New Economic School, Moscow “Dimensional analysis, leverage neutrality, and market microstructure invariance” |
22FEB | Martin Brown – University of St.Gallen “Banking crises, bail-ins and money holdings” |
08FEB | Vyacheslav Gorovoy – New Economic School “Interest rate modelling under conditions of near-zero interest rates” |