Economic Annals is an academic journal published quarterly by the Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade [Subscription]. The journal publishes papers in English language, covering a wide range of economic areas, from business to general economy. It is ranked in the Elsevier Scopus® database by SCImago Journal & Country Rank Q3. The current issue is available on the website [Contents], as well as the earlier issues for the last five years [Archive]. The journal stimulates publishing results of both theoretical and empirical research, with a tendency to bridge the gap often occuring between the two. All papers are subject to anonymous reviews and can be published only if two positive references are obtained. The authors are expected to follow the standard publication procedures [Instructions to Authors], and to recognize the values of democratic society and modern economics. The Editorial Board particularly welcomes contributions that explore issues of transition economies. 

ECONOMIC ANNALS, Volume LV, No. 184 / January – March 2010


1.1 Author: György Simon
JEL Classification: F15, F42, F43, P20
Pages: 7 – 28
On the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia

1.2 Author: Mikica Drenovak, Branko Urošević
JEL Classification: C02, C21, C61, G12
Pages: 29 – 57
Modelling the Benchmark Spot Curve for the Serbian Market

1.3 Author: Yu Hsing
JEL Classification: E43, E62, P35
Pages: 58 – 70
Government Borrowing and the Long-Term Interest Rate: Application of an Extended Loanable Funds Model to the Slovak Republic


2.1 Author: Dejan Trifunovic
JEL Classification: D44
Pages: 71 – 112
Optimal Auction Mechanisms With Private Values

2.2 Author: Vesna Paraušić, Branko Mihailović, Vladana Hamović
JEL Classification: D43, L13, Q13
Pages: 113 – 150
Imperfect Competition in the Primary Agricultural Commodity Market in Serbia

Instructions to Authors

Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade, Serbia
ISSN (International Standard Serial Number): 0013-3264
UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) 3:33 
COBISS.SR-ID (Co-operative Online Bibliographic System and Services): 1328911

Editorial Board
Milena Jovičić, Editor-in-Chief
Ana Aleksić, Secretary

Mihail Arandarenko
Biljana Bogicević Milikić
Branislav Boričić
Radovan Kovačević
Danica Popović
Aleksandra Praščević
Božo Stojanović
Kata Škarić Jovanović
Branko Urošević

International Board
Will Bartlett, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
Claude Berthomieu, University of Nice, France
Richard Burton, Duke University, USA
Horst Brezinski, University of Freiberg, Germany
Vladimir Gligorov, WIIW, Vienna, Austria
Yelena Kalyuzhnova, University of Reading, UK
Branko Milanovic, WB, Washington D.C., USA
Mario Nuti, University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy
Janez Prašnikar, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Xavier Richet, University Sorbonne Nouvelle, France
Milica Uvalic, University of Perugia, Italy

Language Editor
Rowena Rowling

Cover Design
Milan Novičić

Technical Associate
Jelena Cvetanovic
Telephone: (011) 3021-068
