

1. Author: Nebojša Janićijević
Pages: 7-31
Organisational learning in the theory of organisational change
DOI: 10.2298/EKA0771007J

2. Author: Zorica Mladenović, Pavle Mladenović
Pages: 32-74
Estimation of the value-at-risk parameter: econometric analysis and the extreme value theory approach
DOI: 10.2298/EKA0771032M


3. Author: Ružica Cvetković
Pages: 75-89
Economic development and direct foreign investment in the transition economies
DOI: 10.2298/EKA0771075M

4. Author: Slađana Starčević
Pages: 90-102
Possibilities for application of comparative advertising and its effects
DOI: 10.2298/EKA0771090S


5. Author: Dragan Azdejković
Pages: 103-114
Robert J. Auman (Robert J. Aumann) i Tomas C. Šeling (Thomas C. Schelling)


6. Author: Ljubomir Madžar
Pages: 115-141
Očaravajuća lepota apstrakcije Osvrt na prevod Menkjuovog udžbenika Principi ekonomije, izdanje Ekonomskog fakulteta

7. Author: Božo Stojanović
Pages: 142-148
Inovativnost slobodnog tržišta Vilijam Bomol, Inovativna mašinerija slobodnog tržišta: analiza čudesnog rasta u kapitalizmu, CID, Podgorica

8. Author: Marta Bazler-Madžar
Pages: 149-164
Kartografija stramputica na tržištu rada – osvrt na knjigu: Mapa tržišta rada Srbije – ocena regionalnih rizika i potencijala


9. Author:
Pages: 165-169
Defended Ph.D. Dissertations in the Faculty of Economics

10. Author:
Pages: 170-172
Defended M.A. theses in the Faculty of Economics

11. Author: Momčilo Milisavljević
Pages: 173-174
In Memoriam: Prof. dr Živko Kostić



1. Nebojša Janićijević 

Organisational learning in the theory of organisational change
DOI: 10.2298/EKA0771007J

ABSTRACT: The concept of organizational learning has been presented and placed within the referential frame of the organizational change theory. It appears that organizational changes shows to be a wider concept than organizational learning, since every learning includes change, but every change does not necessarily include learning. Organisational learning presents a particular type of organisational change, one which comprises creation and utilisation of knowledge, includes changes of both cognitive structures and behaviours of organisational members, and necessarily is normative by its nature. The referential frame of the theory of organisational change is based on the classification of organisational changes and put together all theories into four perspectives: organisational development, organisational transformation, organisational adaptation and process perspective. It can be concluded that the concept of organisational learning is eclectic one, since it includes all types of organisational changes and encompasses all mentioned perspectives of organisational changes.

KEY WORDS: organizational learning, knowledge management, organizational changes, theory of organizational changes

2. Zorica Mladenović, Pavle Mladenović

Estimation of the value-at-risk parameter: econometric analysis and the extreme value theory approach
DOI: 10.2298/EKA0771032M

ABSTRACT: In this paper different aspects of value-at-risk estimation are considered. Daily returns of CISCO, INTEL and NASDAQ stock indices are analysed for period: September 1996 – September 2006. Methods that incorporate time varying variability and heavy tails of the empirical distributions of returns are implemented. The main finding of the paper is that standard econometric methods underestimate the value-at-risk parameter if heavy tails of the empirical distribution are not explicitely taken into account.

KEY WORDS: value-at-risk, conditional variability, GARCH models, extreme values, heavy tailed distributions.


3. Ružica Cvetković

Economic development and direct foreign investment in the transition economies
DOI: 10.2298/EKA0771075M

ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the problems related to economic development in Serbia and Southeast-European countries. Comparative analysis has been used for distinguishing typical changes of gross domestic product, foreign direct investment and gross domestic product per capita in Serbia, the countries of Southeast Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States. The analysis indicates that the levels of both the gross domestic product (GDP) and production in Serbia and other countries are currently lower than in 1989, the year generally taken as the beginning of the process of transition from centrally planned to market economies.

KEY WORDS: foreign direct investment, economic development, gross domestic product, gross national product per capita, investment.

4. Slađana Starčević

Possibilities for application of comparative advertising and its effects
DOI: 10.2298/EKA0771090S

ABSTRACT: In recent years, it has been evident that one form of competitive advertising gained in its importance – comparative advertising. Although its extensive use has probably been inspired by the belief that the perception of relative superiority of a brand compared to competition could be encouraged in that way, research evidence suggested mixed conclusions about its effectiveness. The paper summarizes the results of previous studies in this area,and in particular those which point out the factors that can influence effectiveness of comparative advertising. Additionally,, the paper summarizes the opinions of some authors about the long-term influence of this form of advertising on brand, and gives the recommendations for its more effective use.

KEY WORDS: comparative advertising, competition, consumer, influential factors, attitudes