About the Journal

The journal Economic Ideas and Practice, published by Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade (ISSN 2217-6217 (print), ISSN 2378-1129 (Online)) thematically covers economic and human-social sciences (Politics, Sociology, Philosophy, Law). It deals with the problems of economic science, economic policy, business economics, quantitative economics and especially institutional, social and political challenges to economic science and practice. The focus of the journal is toward critical openness, searching for new solutions, rejection of exclusivity of any kind of model or economic thought.

The journal is published on Serbian, with English abstracts, on a quarterly basis.

The journal publishes scientific papers in forms of:

  1. Original scientific papers
  2. Review papers
  3. Debates
  4. The choice of the papers presented at conferences organized by Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade which are not previously. These papers are published independently or in cooperation with other scientific associations.
  5. Book reviews

