International conferences

– Current conferences –

In honour of its twenty-fifth anniversary, ASECU organizes its 17th international conference „Post-COVID19 in SEE and Black Sea Region – Responses towards SDGs“ on September 13-14, 2021. The Conference will be hosted by the Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade – Serbia. The COVID19 crisis accelerated a procedure of structural transformations towards a new economic/social environment which needs to be further explored. To understand various aspects of the pandemic crisis in the South and East European Countries (SEE) and the Black Sea Region and the overall influence of

International conference BELGRADE YOUNG ECONOMISTS  is held every year at the Faculty of Economics with the support of the UniCredit Foundation, with the aim to provide support to students of doctoral studies and young researchers in their further development. During the conference, participants have the opportunity to present their work and to receive feedback and advice from eminent experts and professors in the field of economics and finance in order to advance their research for publication in some of the renowned international scientific journals.

On November 24, 2014 Faculty of Economics University of Belgrade officially became a memeber of the UNCTAD Virtual Institute Network, UN Network on Trade and Development conferences (UNCTAD) which gathers state universities from over 60 countries of the world and is engaged in international trade. The Faculty has become a center for transition countries in the field of UNCTAD training, and on the basis of that hosted the UNCTAD regional courses in the years 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2018.

– Previous conferences –

Over the past years, the Faculty has organized several major international conferences. In 2001, the Faculty organized a conference on the topic of transition and privatization in Serbia in cooperation with the Scientific Society of Economists, then, in year 2003 Second ASECU Conference, and in year 2004 Eighth Conference of the European Association for Comparative Economic Studies (EACES). In the following year an extensive economic workshop on privatization in Serbia was held in cooperation with EACES. In 2011, another EACES conference was organized, and after that again in 2015. That same year, the fifth ASECU conference was held in Avala.

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Faculty of Economics in 2007, a conference entitled “Contemporary Challenges of Theory and Practice in Economics” was organized with more than 200 participants from 52 countries. In 2009, an important international conference on the global crisis “Economic Policy and Global Recession” was held, and in 2012, on the occasion of the anniversary of 75 years of existence of the Faculty, there was conference held with the theme “From Global Crisis to Economic Growth – Which Way to Take ? as well as the Third Regional Conference of the European Academy of Marketing (EMAS-SEE). Eighty years of existence of the Faculty was marked in 2017 by an international conference on the topic Economic policy for smart, inclusive and sustainable growth where over 200 participants presented their works.

In September 2014 was held an international conference THE ECONOMIC CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR.

The Foundation for the Development of Economic Science (FREN) organized a conference on Place branding, marketing and food in September 2016. This conference was aimed at researching the role and impact of food in marketing and branding, cumulating scientific contributions and experiences of scientists from different fields, from management and marketing to economics, sociology and anthropology.

The Faculty of Economics in Belgrade organized XXXVIII and XLV International Symposiums on Operational Research – SYM-OP-IS  2011 and SYM-OP-IS  2018, which were held October 4-7 2011 and September 16-19 2018. SYM-OP-IS is an international symposium that traditionally brings together operational researchers in order to formally and informally consider the results of theoretical and practical research and in direct contact to exchange the information of interest for operational research.