



Време пријема:уторак 12-14


Рођена је 1965. године у Београду, где је завршила основну и средњу школу. Године 1988. дипломирала је, 1993. године магистрирала је, а 2000. године докторирала на Економском факултету у Београду. Бирана је за асистента-приправника на Економском факултету 1989. године, за асистента 1993, за доцента 2001. године, за ванредног професора 2007. године, за редовног професора 2012. године. Бави се областима: маркетинга, пословног маркетинга, стратегијског маркетинга и преговарања и предаје те предмете.


ŠEKULARAC- IVOŠEVIĆ Senka, BAUK Sanja, GLIGORIJEVIĆ, Mirjana, Combining The concepts of Benchmarking and Matrix Game in Marketing (RE)Positioning of Seaports, Promet. 2013.
STOJANOVIĆ Žaklina, RAKONJAC-ANTIĆ Tatjana, GLIGORIJEVIĆ Mirjana, The Role of The Marketing Mix in the Improvement of Agricultural Insurance, Ekonomika poljoprivrede, vol. 59, br 4 2012, str. 769-780.
GLIGORIJEVIĆ, Mirjana, MITIĆ, Sanja, Consumers` Attitudes, Knowledge and Consumption of Products with Nutrition and Health Claims, U: Ekonomika poljoprivrede, 2015, God. 62, br. 2, str. 335-352
KOČOVIĆ, Mihailo, RAJIĆ, Vesna, GLIGORIJEVIĆ, Mirjana, The importance of marketing metrics for risk management of business performance of insurance companies, U: Risk management in the financial services sector,
GLIGORIJEVIĆ, Mirjana, MITIĆ, Sanja, Marketing relations with business customers and international distributors, U: Contemporary management and marketing methods in improving competitiveness of companies in Serbia in the process of its integration in European Union, ISBN, 978-86-403-1452-7, Beograd : Ekonomski fakultet, 2015, str. 103-120
MITIĆ, Sanja, GLIGORIJEVIĆ, Mirjana, Global Challenges and Prespectives of Marketing of Healthy Food Products, International Conference „From Global Crisis to Economic Growth. Which Way to Take? Belgrade 20-22 September 2012.
MITIĆ, Sanja, CEROVIĆ, Božidar, GLIGORIJEVIĆ, Mirjana, Export Barriers Perception in Serbian Firms – Lessons for Policy Makers and Managers, U: Economic Policy for Smart, Inclusive and Sustainable Growth, ISBN 978-86-403-1535-7, Beograd : Ekonomski fakultet, 2017, str. 457-474
MITIĆ, Sanja, GLIGORIJEVIĆ, Mirjana, Key Account Management: New Marketing Approach as a Response to Increasing Global Competitive Pressures The Role of Contemporary Management and Marketing Methods in Improvement of Competitiveness of the Companies in Serbia within the Process of its Integration to the European Union / editor Nebojša Janićijević. CID Faculty of economics, 2012 (Beograd : Čugura print) pp. 159 -181
OGNJANOV, Galjina, GLIGORIJEVIĆ Mirjana, Print Advertising Media in Economic Crisis: A Content Analysis of Two Daily Papers in Serbia, Economic Policy and Global Recession,editori: A. Praščević, B.Cerović, M. Jakšić, ISBN 987-86-403-1012-3 Cid Čugura print, 2009, Beograd, str. 257-65.
OGNJANOV, Galjina, GLIGORIJEVIĆ Mirjana, Use of Internet and Social Media for Marketing and Advertising in SME Sector, Contemporary Management and Marketing Methods in Improving Competitiveness of Companies in Serbia in the Process of its Integration in European Union, Contemporary Management and Marketing Methods in Improving Competitiveness of Companies in Serbia in the Process of its Integration in European Union,   978-86-403-1394-0, 2014.
