
EKOF EFMD accredited

It is with great pleasure that we inform you that by the decision of the EFMD Accreditation Board of March 5, 2024, the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Economics and Business received EFMD program re-accreditation, thereby confirming its status as the first and only faculty in Serbia whose study programme of undergraduate academic studies has the relevant European academic accreditation. This time, EFMD accreditation was granted to our Faculty for a period of five years (2024-2029), which is the maximum period for which this accreditation is granted.

The re-acquisition of European accreditation, after the initial accreditation obtained in 2021, represents an additional external confirmation of the high quality of our study programme, the methods teaching and exams, the quality of the scientific research of our teachers and the excellent performance of our graduates on the labour market, i.e. an indication that our Faculty meets the highest modern world standards in the field of higher education with all the given criteria.