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She was born in Belgrade, where she completed elementary school (“Josif Pančić” elementary school, a student of the generation) and high school (5th Belgrade high school, natural sciences and mathematics major, and 3rd Belgrade high school, majoring in molecular biology and biochemistry). She enrolled at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Univ. of Belgrade, where she graduated, majoring in Finance, Banking, and Insurance (9.51/10). She received her master’s degree (MSci)  at the same faculty (10/10). She obtained her second master’s degree (MPhil) at the University of Cambridge (Clare College), Great Britain. She received her PhD in Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Univ. of Belgrade. From her graduation, she was employed for five years at the Economics Institute in Belgrade (and the company Deloitte Touche), and till present at the Faculty of Economics and Business in Belgrade.

He teaches the following subjects:

  • Company organization, Basics of organization, Human resource management (undergraduate academic studies in the Serbian language),
  • Core Management Concepts, Business and Management in a Global Context, Strategy, Organization Theory – an Interdisciplinary approach and Management and Innovation of E-business (graduate academic studies in English in cooperation with the University of London and The London School of Economics and Political Science – LSE),
  • Organizational behavior, Organizational design, Strategic management of human resources, International management of human resources, Human resource management (graduate academic studies in Serbian language),
  • Organization & Management (the international graduate program International Master in Business Informatics – IMBI) i
  • Organizational theory and design, Organizational behavior, and Methods and techniques of scientific research and analysis (doctoral studies).

She is the winner of numerous awards and scholarships: Sasakawa scholarship, Soros/Chevening scholarship, scholarship for specially gifted students of the RS Talent Fund, Credibel School scholarship; award of the Chamber of Commerce for the best doctoral dissertation; award of the Ministry of Science of the RS for scientific and research work; The Best International Paper Award for 2008-2009. year by the Academy of Management (USA) for the co-authored work entitled “Cracking the fortune cookies: Influencing factors in career success across 11 countries”; the same work was nominated in the best three works for the Carolyn Dexter Award; Wiley’s recognition for the top downloaded paper in 2018/2019, annual awards for scientific work of the Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade.

She lectured at international summer schools – International Summer School Alpen Adria (in cooperation with Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien – WU, Austria, 2006) and International Summer School Danubia (in cooperation with Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien – WU, Austria, 2007, 2009, 2010), of the international master’s program Graduate Business Program MBA in cooperation with Texas A&M University, USA (2011-2013), she was a member of the Scientific Council and coordinator of the international master’s program Exécutive Master d’Economie d’Entreprise in cooperation with the French business school HEC Paris – Haute Ecole Commerciale (2004-2012), leader of the specialist course in the field of MLJR and taught at the Military Academy in Belgrade, the Faculty of Economics in Vukovar, the Alternative Academic Education Network, the Belgrade Open School and at the graduate academic studies at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade (2022).

She has published more than 140 works (books, chapters in monographs, and articles) in the field of organization, public management, management, and human resources management. She is a co-editor of the journal “Economic Annals” and a member of numerous scientific associations and associations. During her career, she worked on the drafting of numerous strategic documents and legal regulations, participated in building the institutional infrastructure for the development of SMEs in the Republic of Serbia, the reform processes of privatization and registration of economic entities, the system of social protection, employment, the civil service system in the Republic of Serbia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs RS and the Tax Administration of the RS, as a reviewer of the Commission for Accreditation and Quality Control of Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Serbia in the scientific field of social and humanities, as a member of competition commissions for the selection of senior civil servants for positions in the state administration bodies of the RS, as an economic advisor in the Council for Regulatory Reform of the RS for the assessment of the economic effects of the proposed laws, as a researcher (category “A”) on scientific research projects financed by the competent Ministry of Science of the RS, as a consultant for a large number of companies (Telecom, NIS, National Bank of Serbia, Delta M, FC Partizan, Tarket, MK Komerc, Mercator, Pharmacy Institution Belgrade, Sintelon, Europen, Pekabeta, C-market, Jugohemija, WISSOL, Valjevska pekara, Valorplast, Zorka Šabac, Krmivo produkt, Prokupac, RK Jugocentar,…) and as an senior advisor on projects financed by international organizations (World Bank, UNDP, USAID, European Agency for Reconstruction, Save the Children, IMG, EU Delegation, OSCE, SIDA, OECD, OSCE, DCAF, GIZ, EU IPA projects, Swedish Police, Council of Europe).



Economic Annals / LSEE/ EACES Workshop

2nd Workshop on the Comparative Economics of South Eastern Europe:

Investment in Economic and Social Infrastructure 

30-31 March 2023, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Belgrade, Venue: Professor`s Hall

Official Workshop program
