Време пријема:среда 16-18
Одабране референце
ARANDARENKO, Mihail, The shadow economy : challenges to economic and social policy, U: Formalizing the shadow economy in Serbia: policy measures and growth effects, ISBN 978-3-319-13437-6, Cham: Springer, 2015, str. 5-12
ARANDARENKO, Mihail, Analysis of the Administrative Capacity of the Institutions in Charge of Overseeing the Operations of Business Entities, U: Formalizing the Shadow Economy in Serbia, ISBN 978-3-319-13437-6, Chaim : Springer, 2015, str. 109-121
KRSTIĆ, Gorana, SCHNEIDER, Friedrich, ARANDARENKO, Mihail, ARSIĆ, Milojko, RADULOVIĆ, Branko, RANĐELOVIĆ, Saša, JANKOVIĆ, Irena, Main Findings and Recommendations, U: Formalizing the shadow economy in Serbia: policy measures and growth effects, ISBN 978-3-319-13436-9, Cham: Springer, 2015, str. 123-158, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-13437-6_9
ARANDARENKO, Mihail, Economic Possibilities for Keynes’s Grandchildren, U: The Economic Causes and Consequences of the First World War, ISBN 978-86-403-1451-0, Beograd : Ekonomski fakultet, 2015
ARANDARENKO, Mihail, CORRENTE, Salvatore, JANDRIĆ, Maja, STAMENKOVIĆ, Mladen, A Multiple Criteria Approach to Interregional Migrations–The Case of Serbia. In: Investigating Spatial Inequalities. Emerald Publishing Limited, 2019.
ARANDARENKO, Mihail, AVLIJAŠ, Sonja, Behind the veil of statistics: Bringing to light structural weaknesses in Serbia.In: The impact of the crisis on wages in South-East Europe, ISBN 978-92-2-125784-4, 2011, pp. 123-158. https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/—europe/—ro-geneva/—sro-budapest/documents/publication/wcms_172434.pdf
ARANDARENKO, Mihail, GOLICIN, Pavle, Social and labour market impact analysis of policy responses of the Western Balkans countries to the global economic crisis. In: Economic Policy and Global Recession, Vol. I, ed. by Aleksandra Prascevic et al. Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade, 2009.
ARANDARENKO, Mihail, UVALIĆ, Milica, International Advice and Institutional (Mis) configuration, U: Southeastern Europe, ISSN 0094-4467, 2014, God. 38, br. 2-3, str. 232-249, DOI 10.1163/18763332-03802003
ARANDARENKO, Mihail, Political Economy of Unemployment in the Western Balkans, Political Economy of Unemployment in the Western Balkans, U: Visiting Speaker Programme, London, 4. november 2014., London : London School of Economics, 2014
ALEKSIĆ, Dragan, ARANDARENKO, Mihail, Not all jobs are createdequal: how not to misread the labour force statistics in Serbia, U: Ekonomika preduzeća, ISSN 0353-443X, 2016, God. 64, br. 3-4, str. 221-224, DOI 10.5937/ekopre1604211A