
1845: For the first time at the Lyceum, whose tradition is the heritage of the University of Belgrade, classes are taught in the subject National Economy. Three years later, the subjects Political and National Economy, Finance and Trade and General Statistics of Europe were introduced.

1937: Foundation of an Economic and Commercial High School (EKVŠ). Until then, subjects in the field of economics and business had been studied within the programmes of the Faculty of Law.  Two years later, the EKVŠ was authorized to give PhD degree.

1947: The EKVŠ was transformed into the Faculty of Economics and became a part of the University of Belgrade.

1952: Institute for economic research was established at the Faculty. The Faculty is getting a new building where it is today.

1953: The first AIESEC office in the country was established at the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade, which began the process of international student exchange.

1955: The first issue of the Economic Annals journal has been published.

1966: New curriculum with five modules: Economic Policy and Planning, Statistics and Cybernetics, Economics and Organization, Financial Accounting and Foreign Trade.

1974: Foundation of the Scientific-research center of the Faculty of Economics (NICEF). Defense of the 200th PhD thesis at the Faculty of Economics.

1976: New curriculum with three modules: General Economics, Enterprise Economics, Statistics and Cybernetics.

1977: One-semester teaching in most subjects was introduced. The first student load standards (according to weekly classes) were introduced.

1980: Foundation of the Faculty’s Electronic center and purchase of the first computer (Honeywell – 6/43) with 4 terminals.

1984: Defense of the 1000th Master thesis at the Faculty of Economics.

1985: Commencement of collaboration between the Faculty of Economics and the School of Business, New York State University at Albany.  First joint conference: Comparative Menagement Systems was held.

1987: New curriculum with seven modules: General Economics, Marketing, Business Finance and Accounting, Foreign and Domestic Trade, Finance, Banking and Insurance, Tourism, Economic Statistics and Informatics.

1990: The first TEMPUS project coordinated by the Faculty of Economics.

1994: In addition to master degrees, one-year specialist postgraduate courses was  introduced.

1997: The Faculty of Economics obtained its Internet domain: www.ekof.bg.ac.yu

2001: Developing new syllabuses for all subjects. Student surveys were renewed as a part of the evaluation systems. Foundation of the Center for International Studies and Cooperation.

2002: The first international postgraduate specialist course in the field of finance.

2003: Introduced distance-learning studies. Academic-Scientific Council decided to accept the European Credit Transfer System (ESPB/ECTS), with appropriate alignment of curriculum. Thoroughly reorganized faculty services, grading and recording system. The Faculty hosted the Second ASECU (Association of Southeast European Economic Universities) international conference. International postgraduate master programme in collaboration with HEC (Hautes études commerciales) from Paris was organized.

2004: The Faculty hosted the EACES (European Association for Comparative Economic Studies) international conference.

2006: Master courses transformed into one-year master programmes (60 ESPB/ESTS). First elections for the Student Parliament of the Faculty of Economics. Journal Economic Annals received the first international editorial board. International master programme in cooperation with the University of Nice (TEMPUS) was organized. New reading room was opened.

2007: New video conference room was opened. International scientific conference: Contemporary challenges of economic theory and practice was organized. Accreditation of the Faculty as a research institution.

2008: Introduction of new PhD programmes: Economics, Management and Statistics. The first generation of students enrolled PhD studies. Master programmes revision: 8 programmes in Serbian, 2 programmes in English and 1 programme in French. The Faculty received the first projects within the 7th EU Framework Program.

2009: Accreditation of the Faculty as a higher education institution in the field of economics.

2010: Introduction of the first MBA-Master of Business Administration programme in collaboration with Texas A&M University-Commerce.

2011: Foundation of another journal of the Faculty of Economics: Economic Ideas and Practice. The first issue of the journal has been published.

2013: The Faculty received the status of a permanent center for UNCTAD training in the field of international trade policy. Summer school International Summer University South Eastern Europe was organized. Magazine English for Specific Purposes (ESP Today) was launched with the support of the Faculty.

2014: Accreditation of the first three-year bachelor programme. Reformation of the PhD programmes. The Faculty became a member of a UN network that brings together state universities from 54 countries. The Faculty joined the CESEENet network.

2015: The bachelor study programme received ACCA accreditation. The Faculty received the first projects within the Horizon 2020 and Erasmus+ Program Framework. Center for Corporate Relations was established.

2016: Collaboration with the University of London was established. Alumni Club of the Faculty of Economics was formed.

2017: Eighty years since the founding of the Faculty of Economics. Opening of the Start-up Center. In the cooperation with the University of London, academic direction by London School of Economics (LSE), classes within the bachelor programme Economics and Finance have begun, leading to two parallel degrees. 

2018: Faculty became a member of  EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development) global network of faculties in the field of business management.

2019: Summer school of the Faculty of Economics (Belgrade Summer School) was launched. Council of employers was established. It was decided to start accreditation of 17 study programmes (2 bachelor programmes, 14 master programmes – including 4 programmes in English, and one PhD programme. The four-year bachelor study programme was enriched with three new modules: Economics and Finance, Business Informatics, Business Analysis and Consulting).

2020: Classes within another bachelor programme Business and Management, under the program of the University of London, academic direction by London School of Economics, have begun. Graduation of the first generation of students of bachelor programme Economics and Finance.